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  • The English term for "运动牙套" is "orthodontic appliance". Orthodontic appliances are devices used by orthodontists to correct dental irregularities, such as misaligned teeth and jaws. They can be fixed or removable, and they work by applying gentle pressure to move the teeth into their proper positions.

  • 其他回答
  • "运动牙套" in English can be referred to as "aligners" or "clear aligners". Clear aligners are a type of orthodontic treatment that utilizes a series of clear, removable trays to gradually move the teeth into alignment. They are practically invisible and offer a more discreet alternative to traditional braces.

  • The English name for "运动牙套" is "orthodontic braces". Orthodontic braces are the most commonly used appliances in orthodontics. They consist of brackets, wires, and bands that are attached to the teeth and exert pressure to guide the teeth into the desired positions. Different types of braces, such as metal braces, ceramic braces, and lingual braces, are available to suit individual needs.

  • "运动牙套" can be translated into English as "removable orthodontic appliances". Removable orthodontic appliances, as the name suggests, can be taken out by the patient for eating, brushing, and flossing. Examples of removable appliances include retainers, aligners, and functional appliances. They can be effective in correcting minor dental problems and maintaining the results achieved through other orthodontic treatments.

  • In English, "运动牙套" can be referred to as "retainers". After the completion of orthodontic treatment, retainers are often used to maintain the new position of the teeth. They can be removable or fixed, and they help prevent the teeth from shifting back to their original positions. Wearing retainers as instructed by the orthodontist is essential for long-term stability of the orthodontic treatment results.

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