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  • The term "牙松了" in English can be translated as "loose tooth". This refers to a tooth that is not securely attached to the surrounding gums and bone. It can be caused by various factors such as gum disease, dental trauma, or natural aging process. When a tooth becomes loose, it may cause discomfort, difficulty in chewing, and potential dental problems. If you experience a loose tooth, it is important to visit a dental professional for appropriate evaluation and treatment.

  • 其他回答
  • The English term for "牙松了" is "mobile tooth". A mobile tooth refers to a tooth that has lost its firmness or stability and is prone to movement. This condition can occur due to periodontal disease, tooth decay, or trauma to the tooth or surrounding structures. It is crucial to address a mobile tooth promptly as it may lead to further dental complications, such as tooth loss or misalignment. A dental examination and appropriate treatment options can help stabilize the tooth and prevent additional problems.

  • The phrase "牙松了" can be translated as "tooth looseness" in English. Tooth looseness refers to a situation where a tooth is not securely held in its natural position within the dental arch. This can be caused by the weakening of the tooth's supporting structures, such as the periodontal ligament or the alveolar bone. Common causes of tooth looseness include gum disease, trauma, or excessive biting forces. Dental intervention is necessary to address tooth looseness, as it can lead to further dental complications if left untreated.

  • In English, "牙松了" can be described as "tooth mobility". Tooth mobility is a condition where a tooth has increased movement or instability within its socket. This can occur due to factors such as gum disease, bone loss, or weakening of the supporting structures around the tooth. Tooth mobility can lead to difficulty in chewing, pain, and further dental problems if not addressed promptly. Seeking dental care is essential to determine the underlying cause of tooth mobility and provide appropriate treatment to stabilize the tooth.

  • 小孩第二颗乳牙松动时,如何正确地进行绑线?


  • 老年人假牙松动了该怎么办呢?


  • 烤瓷牙松动了应该怎么办?


  • 大牙松动,是否有什么治疗方法可以帮助?


  • 大牙松动痛应该吃什么药才能缓解?


  • 门牙松动是由于牙周疾病引起的吗?应该如何处理?

    门牙松动可能是由于牙周疾病引起的。牙周疾病是一种导致牙齿周围支持组织受损的疾病,在其严重程度可以导致牙齿松动。 牙周疾病的主要原因是牙菌斑的积累,导致牙龈发炎和牙齿周围组织感染。 如果门牙松动是由牙周疾病引起的,应立即求助于口腔医生。治疗牙

  • 两个门牙松动怎么处理?

    如果两个门牙松动,首先需要进行全面的口腔检查,确定导致松动的原因。可能的原因包括牙齿受损、牙龈疾病和咬合力不均等。根据检查结果,可以采取以下治疗措施:1. 如果牙齿有破损,可能需要修复或进行根管治疗。2. 如果存在牙龈疾病,需要定期进行口腔

  • 烤瓷牙松了怎么解决?
